a year ago I had no clue that I would be waking up to labor pains. I was probably cleaning my butt off this time last year, God had it planned perfectly, I had everything in its place, even my bedroom was clean (for once lol) I think I even scrubbed the bathroom floor with a rag ...
I know I most likely talked to Lucy that day, probably bent my neck to bring my head as close to my belly button as possible ( you know thats the portal for communication right) I can hear myself saying "Hey little girl, you better come out soon, mommy wants to hold you!" now im sitting here listening to my angel barking like a doggy and talking about da da (like always) and standing on her own, im beyond amazed at how awesome she is, and how much I adore and love her. Its incredible! Tomorrow marks 1 year since I was given the best gift I could ever recieve. Tomorrow is my baby's 1st birthday. Im still super emotional about lol, and im sure I will be even more so tomorrow. Thank you Jesus for my daughter, me and Jon's daughter! Little Lucy Monroe!
Now im stuck with what to do, do I sing as soon as I get her out of the crib, do I wait until 3:38pm, do I do it both times lol, We will be going out as a family tomorrow, me daddy and Lucy to her fav. place (or is it my fav?) Chic-Fil-A. Lucy loves the fruit cups there so she will be having that! Then we are going to target and she is going to pick out what toy she wants, then we are going to Kangaroo Jac's for a little bit, after that We are having a dinner with the rest of the family. But after all of that, my fav part will be once we are home, I want to cuddle up and watch her fav. shows let her snuggle and be my little baby!
Thanks to everyone who loves her, she truly is something specail huh?
I remember when Holly was little and all she ever wanted was a baby girl. I think God was listening then and is listening now. What a beautiful baby she is. She has the perfect personality. She reminds me so much of her mother. How blessed she is to have such a Godly and loving mother. Thank you God for giving Lucy to us and for allow Jon and Holly be her parents. They are awesome!