Thursday, July 21, 2011

couldn't have asked for any more...

Lucy will be 2 tomorrow!


I know right!? where has time gone?

I seriously couldn't have asked for any more than what God gave Jon and I when he gave us Lucy Monroe.

She is such an amazing little girl. Super smart, sweet, considerate, funny and loving to say the least.
She is a sponge, we never know when she will do or say something that she picked up from us

for instance...

the other day she was on her changing table and she purposely kicked her wipes off the edge and after I picked them up told her not to do that she did it again, so i hit her foot and said "you're a turd!" and she looked at me and said "mommy we don't hit!" and of course she was right, she does an amazing job at not hitting and if she ever does she ALWAYS says sorry and means it. I just laughed inside b/c she is growing up so much.
( be in mind she has yet to receive a spanking, praise God! )

Tomorrow is the big day! 2 years old!
just like this time last year, I have a game plan

wake her up by singing happy birthday to her

make her some yummy breakfast
( pancakes, strawberries & bananas , and yogurt of course )

Go to her 2 year check up at the doctors office

get some lunch at Sonic
( she got a gift card in the mail from her Tita Mary )

take her to get her toes painted with hot pink and zebra print
( to match her party , duh! )

take her to the toy store to pick out her birthday present
( guess its a tradition now )

and head home to nap

then once daddy gets home we will go have dinner as a family
celebrate with ice cream or something sweet

and come home to snuggle!

sounds good to me!!
I will be honest, this year its not as emotional as the 1st birthday, im so proud of her as a big girl, she is seriously amazing, it BLOWS my mind sometimes.
God is so good, I have NO complaints!

Happy Birthday sweet Lucy
your amazing!

<3 your mommy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

drum roll please...

Lucy peed.

in the potty.


I am SO excited.